Friday, 24 April 2015

Kece method with Beer

Kece method with Beer

Jelita not only obtained from food and exercise but also drink even that remains taboo in Indonesia. Beauty or beauty beverage drink which originated from Hong Kong and Korea, are famous in the market. With this drink, you can achieve durable even young smooth skin of the efficacy of vitamins in it.

Beer Beauty
Responding to this beauty beverage trends, Japan apparently did not want to lose. Beer that became commonplace in the State Sakura aspect is used as material beauty drink. Women who consume beer with Suntory brand is no need to worry because the alcohol content is relatively light.

Collagen beer
How beer from Japan is capable of beautifying the skin drinker? Apparently, this beer contains ingredients that can stimulate collagen. Such materials can increase collagen production in the skin tissue. Collagen is it that maintain skin elasticity. This major youth so that the skin becomes durable.

Various Vitamins
Cereal plant material so that the beer tajir substances is useful for skin beauty. The content of such vitamins B1 and B3, iron, selenium, phosphorus, zinc, magnesium, and copper.

Hair Jelita
Not only the skin, this beer has been able to beautify hair. Reporting from Wolipop Second, a study revealed no content of beer that could create shiny hair. The beer also can repair damaged hair. Alcoholic drinks are touted as well able to cope with dry hair.

For properties that have been proven, not least as a mask who wear beer. Abortion can kill bacteria on the face. For the benefits of this potent acne. Complete has benefits that enhance good beer from the outside or from within.

Ritual Germany & Austria
Plainly, beauty secrets Germany and Austria can not be separated from the beer. 2nd country women are even bathe together create a dark beer gets soft and fresh skin. If you want to try, do not need to soak in beer entirely. Pass pour one to two glasses into the bath.

Hard behavior
Has just released 7 April first, against the same HRI, the beauty beer sold out. Obviously, this is a sign that the market response is good. This aspect is reasonable because any woman who does not crave beautiful radiant skin? Moreover, for a country like Japan that is not taboo for women For drinking beer.

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